My Shaving Solution
Every since I first learned to shave I have been using a Gillette
disposable razor that had to be replaced every few months. The razor
itself came wrapped in plastic and was made of of lot of plastic. Buying new blades produced even more plastic trash. Shaving cream came in a aluminum spay bottle with a plastic top.
I have now switched to using shaving soap and a safety razor. The safety razor could potentially last forever as long I take care of it and clean it often (with a vinegar solution). Replaceable blades for the safety razor come wrapped in small, hard plastic case as small as the blades (vs. the large plastic casings around the Gillette blades). The shaving soap I ordered did come in plastic, but I am hoping to find shaving soap wrapped in paper soon. I imagine it will be much easier to find solid shaving soap in paper than the cream variety.
I have also noticed an improvement in my shave. Using a safety razor forces me to take me time in the morning and I have a found a smoother, more desirable clean up. While I did have to heft out a chunk of change for the initial purchase of the new kit, in the long wrong this alternative is going to be far cheaper. Safety razor blades run for about $5.00 in contrast to $20 Gillette sets. This will create a considerable reduction of plastic waste for me as well. Now if only I could find a way to buy blades without their pesky plastic casings...
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